iNteRestiNg pEopLe

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

tHe mOst SadNesS dAy iN my Life


firstly, aku nak gitaw yg aku nk campor2 plak cakap omputih nie. letih kot ckp omputih straight nie. mula2 ingat tue konon2 nak improve writing la. al-maklum la kan nak exempted english! haha tapi letih la otak nie nak cari perkatan sinonim kan. gune bahasa ibunda pun ok ape? :)

secondly, aku sebenarnye sedih sangat hari nie. tahu x nape?? sebab aku rase aku gaduh ngan kawan aku a.k.a roommate aku. bukan la gaduh lempang2 ke pijak2 ke. taklah! we are girls u! takkan la nak gaduh camtue. tapi gaduh macam touching2 sesame sendiri. sebenarnya tak tahu jugak ape punca nye.

cerita nyer macam nie (sambil mengimbau balik ape yang berlaku hari nie). mase mula-mula start sem 3 baru-baru nie kitorang beli la satu hangger. bukan hangger yang banyak2 tue la. (aku pun xtau name dia ape!) tapi yang boleh letak baju banyak2 tue. harga benda tue murah je. (RM19.90) KItorang memang BESTFRIENDS forever la sebab kitorang pun duduk 4 orang je dalam bilik. makan same2, tidur same, mandi pun same! (tapi lain-lain toilet la) susah senang kitorang same-same. g giant ke tesco ke semua same2. (panjang plak cerite dia!)

ok2 nak dipendekkan cerita benda tue patah and kitorang pun PINJAM la benda yg same macam tue dekat store depan tv room. konon2 nye nak pinjam tapi benda tue pun patah jugak! tak tahu la bala ape yang ader dekat kitorang nie. :(

so aku nie yang konon2 nyer rajin iron (gosok ye bukan BESI) semua baju aku (maklum la jenis yang lambat bangun kena la prepare awal2) terpaksa la gantung baju aku yang dah bergosok tue dekat katil kawan aku.

tengah hari tadi dia pun tegur la aku dengan cara macam nie....

deja: baju sape paling banyak dekat sini?

aku: baju kau la! hahaha

deja: mana ader la. baju aku dah kemas. ambik la kemas baju korang nie (ditujukan kepada aku dan echa)

aku: kata satu katil kena la berhemah sikit. (memang agak sinis la ape yang aku cakap tue) hehe (aku gelak lagi) xpelah nanti aku simpan semua baju aku dalam loker aku! (kasar jugak tapi boleh la gelak lagi)

kyra yang baru lepas solat pun cakap....

kyra: memang la berhemah tapi bertimbang rase la ckit!! (dia dah menengking)

aku memang pantang orang tengking aku. aku boleh lagi gelak2 tapi bila dia dah menengking aku pun hangin la. aku pun balas la balik dalam keadaan menengking jugak la.

aku: ye!! nanti aku simpan semua dalam loker aku! (aku terus pegi simpan semua baju aku)

and aku dah tak cakap2 ngan dorang. aku cuma cakap dengan echa je. but u know what?? i missing damn them so much! i feel like i'm alone in this world...

hey guys! if u read this...
forgive me, somehow we made a mistake. and i'm not a perfect person!

guys! we are still best friends forever...

really miss u guys...

Monday, April 18, 2011



hi guys! today, i will talk about cakes! haha i know what's in ur mind. may be u think of this cake...

or maybe this cake

but i'm not talking about the normal cake. i'm talking the weird cake in the world! the cake that u could not eat at all but western people will be able to eat. check it out!!!


its look nice right? haha

if someone give this as my birthday cake i'll kick his/her ass!

how is it taste huh??

look like someone stuck in the cake!! haha

shit!! this one i told u! can u eat this???

see what i'm trying to tell u?? there is no such this cake at MALAYSIA. western people is DISGUSTING people. they eat and do what people do not do and eat. and we are proud bcoz having them as our IDOL.

p/s: try asked Mr. Google about this! :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I have a sugar daddy! haha quite shock right?? i know whats on ur mind. 'hot sgt ke dia sampai ade sugar daddy??' haha don't be silly guys! i'm not vogue ala diva la to have the sugar daddy like what i had mention. my sugar daddy refer to my MKA la...u know what guys?? he bought me bags! haha its not bag but bags!!! 

 this is the first bag he bought for me..haha its small not liked show by the picture.

he said that he want to replace my old purse! :)

actually i wanted this bag but it was sold out! how frustrated! :(

then, i replace with this bag. pink colour maaaaa!

 just now, i had saw this dress. haha trying to make MKA to buy me this..

this is my friend bag. quite nice! (actually very nice la!)

p/s: yes i bought this from misslily shop. visit her facebook and u will be see amazing pictures!

NEW person!


i just dropped by to tell u that this is the old blog but the content is different. i had deleted all my older post to have the new blog! haha quite tired to satisfy my own desire. why i delete all my older post? because i don't want to talk all about love or to talk about my relationship. its bored i know it! one of my friends told me that its bored reading people relationship in his/her blog. i take that advice and do it again! haha now i want to tell about my life. my campus life, my stories about my buddies and STILL about my relationship! haha thats life right! no matter who u are, u have ur own stories. but mine....still live in fairy tale stories!